Friday, August 04, 2006

A Day In The Backyard

Ali, Ben & The TetonsBack in Berkeley, we have veggies in our backyard. Here in Jackson they have miles and miles of trails...oh, and the Grand Tetons.


Anonymous said...

i stumbled across your blog, and was impressed by what incredibly good looking people were pictured in your entry from Jackson Hole. Are they professsional bikers, high fashion models? Their parents must have been incredible people themselves to have produced such stunning children. Breeding does show. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

who is that kid in the picture who isn't wearing a helmet. its a good thing his parents don't know.

X Bunny said...

you have all succeeded in seriously confusing me

i read a post on elf's non-blog a couple days ago where melissa said she was eating on your deck and i was confused because i thought you were still out of state

then i figured you were back and just hadn't blogged about it yet

now i see you are still out of state

clearly, melissa is just living it up at your place while you are away.....

Allison Krasnow said...

HH - You be the judge. As for the helmet, you may know BK only wears one when he's jumping off cliffs or speeding down a mountain. Thankfully, he didn't expect us to do either today.

Allison Krasnow said...
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Allison Krasnow said...

x bunny--bingo!

PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

I remember when we used to have vegetable gardens....

we'd go on a summer vacation, and come home to find enough tomatos and zucchini to feed an entire city...

oh, and cucumbers, endless cucumbers.

good luck finding homes for all the veggies...

EB said...

I'll help free you from some of those excess veggies...

X Bunny said...

i have enjoyed reading all your adventures

but i just remembered (i'm so braindead) that i had wanted to say something about the helmet (or lack thereof)

as i don't think i have met the helmetless half of the duo yet, i will save a good whack on the noggin for when i do