Thursday, November 02, 2006


Ok, so I haven't made time for CX (yet), but I have big news. Two of my students are going to try CX racing for the first time this weekend at McClaren Park.

If you see two 12 year olds, one short and one tall, both with scraggly hair, ask them if they go to Willard (in Berkeley) and have Ms. Krasnow as their math teacher. They will feel famous if one of you CX folks discovers them!

So very cool! And they are both star pre-algebra students. I love it!


Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

will they have chocolate all over their faces?

Gianni said...

One time and they'll be hooked.
Don't be suprised if they get a dreamy look in their eyes when it starts to rain....

X Bunny said...

i'm going to tell them stories about their teacher...

Twoasone93 said...

Thanks for the link to the Patriot Riders on NPR. They are indeed a pretty cool organization. Glad that someone cuts through the political ramifications of war and just deals with thanking those who sacrificed for our nations welfare. Be well gal.
