Monday, April 21, 2008

Leave it to (the) Madison

When I stated my warm-up Saturday at the track, I realized I was in trouble. See, I had two in my right leg and one in my left (buh-dum-bum crash!). It was the end of a rest week so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. I had nothin. My Kerin was a joke. In the scratch race my legs had about as much pop as a bowl of Rice Crispies and the Win-n-out should have been a 'Go-sit-out' for me. But then came the Madison. I partnered with Rob M of Webcor (I warned him about the flats). Man was that fun!!!! Not too many teams on the track but enough to feel like a race. My legs came to life a little but I couldn't quite hold on at the end of the last lap and we finished second.

For those of you who don't know track racing, here's what a Madison looks like when the professionals do it. Our race bore only the most remote similarities ;).


Itinerant Rick said...

Did you have part of the birthday celebration at Hellyer or did you wait until you were home?

The legs were probably still celebrating all that hard work they did at Madera. Great job there.

Gianni said...

Fun, fun times.

I still get dizzy watching that race.

Chico Cyclist said...

ALLISON KRASNOW 4/16/08 Cat 3 to Cat 2 RD

AliCat - Congrats on the upgrade!!