Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Cool holiday

It has been an especially good week for special events.

The cool holiday was the celebration of International Women's Day at Willard Middle School on Thursday. Many years ago (more years ago than I have been teaching) a male history teacher at Willard decided that the male teaching staff at Willard should honor the women teaching staff of Willard by having an annual breakfast for them. As this is my first year at Willard, I was unaware of this tradition.


Breakfast started at 7:45. The school library had been transformed into a gourmet restaurant. Tables etched by students' pencil scribblings were covered in white tablecloths. Each table bore a vase of daffodils. Upon entering the room, I was greeted at the door by a male teacher who handed me a rose and escorted me to a seat. I was immediately approached by a second teacher and asked me my drink preferences, from juice, to tea, to coffee. After sipping fresh Peet's Coffee, I was ready for the breakfast buffet. The men had prepared a feast: homemade scones, coffee cake, muffins, fritattas, breakfast burritos, tofu scrambles, fruit salad, and much, much more.

As I looked around the room, there were many unfamiliar faces, of both men and women. The tradition is to invite all Willard staff alumnae to the breakfast, so I was surrounded by former teachers, vice principals, and parent-liaisons.

And finally, just before the bell, we were serenaded by the men with a song they had written for us about the Women of Willard.

Like I said, WOW.

And in terms of the other events which happened this week:
* Metromint women's team dinner was one big unforgettable wow.
* But most importantly, earlier in the week, an especially beautiful ring was offered to me by Mike. And I said yes. (Now THIS was definitely the event of the year!! I am in total bliss!).


~ lauren said...

yay! what a fun week for you. and congrats!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, congratulation!

Velo Bella said...

No wonder you were riding like a woman possessed!


EB said...

Aaaah, now I see where it was announced :). Congratulations! You're both very lucky folks and I know I don't have to wish you the best because you already have it, but I do anyway! XO

Dr. Xeno said...

wha-wha, huh? Alright, nice move, I guess I should've known it'd be announced here! Congrats to both of you - makes me happier just hearing this!

Allison Krasnow said...

Where were you when I told the Cole Coffee engagement story on Sat. night??? You your 2 tiaras (!) must have been MIA...

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

congratulations to both of you. a powertap and a diamond in one year -- it must be love!

EB said...

Hm...well, if I was already wearing both tiaras when the story was told, I probably wasn't in the bathroom...were the boys back yet? Maybe I was buttering up Mr. Man? Ack! I just can't believe I missed it!