Friday, September 08, 2006

Hittin' the road...

No, we're not doing another road trip. I went running for the first time in at least a year...I think. It's off season, off the bike, but I still need the endorphin fix so I strapped on the running shoes. It felt ok but I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow. A little running should be good for me right? And it'll come in handy when I need to herd the cats at soccer practice.


Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

Could you be preparing for cyclocross -- the other cross training.

Merkeley Bike said...

I might try out a cross race this year...if I can find a dress that still fits ;).

Gianni said...

Always happy to help with a new addiction. Just let me know. I'll probably head to Folsom next Sunday for more abuse in the valley.

EB said...

B & I started "running" this weekend, too. It's funny: 5 years on a bike and I (knock on wood) haven't had a crash, but on my second day in running shoes and I crashed TWICE and sprained my ankle. Huh?

Luckily (?) my "run" is more of a "shuffling hobble" so I don't know that you'd know the difference if you didn't see the crashes.

Lothar Glerbny said...

First day in the gym today, was going to try running tomorow...I just hope I can walk!