Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pedaling Square-waves...

Or trying anyway.

Nothing like a little crit practice in the garage to warm you up on a cold rainy day.

By this morning I'd had enough of the garage so I headed out on the road. The Mighty Fine HK and I did a little jaunt through the east bay burbs. Tried to dodge rain drops, soccer moms and a few older folks on their way to the store. Despite a few close calls we made it home safe and neither of us melted in the rain.


Unknown said...

Ah, that _was_ you I saw on Butters this morning. You were 500 feet from our house. Stop by sometime and say hi. (E me for the address.)

Anonymous said...

For the uncool...what is that a pic of?

Merkeley Bike said...

Morgan - HK saw you and showed me your street. Nice spot. I'll shoot you a note offline.

JennS - graph of power output from a recent workout in the garage.

Gianni said...

maybe I'm finally getting this stuff..... I actually understood that graph :-)

Headed to my own HOP for some testing for the shorter distances right now, thanks for the inspiration......

X Bunny said...

i questioned my sanity the other day as i shoveled snow to get out to the garage to do my crit practice....