Friday, January 04, 2008


a condition of the blog in which the subject matter is dry and terse and entries are difficult and infrequent.

Blogstipation can be caused by:

1. A chronic lack of creativity.
2. A lack of thought provoking substance in your intellectual diet.
3. An irregular or imbalanced schedule of life activities.

While some sites periodically suffer temporary blogstipation as a result of a temporary constriction of free time they can usually be remedied by a return to a healthy, normal lifestyle. Other sites seem to suffer from chronic blogstipation. While in some cases, chronic blogstipation is benign this condition can be an indication of a more serious problem known as 'blogger burnout'. While blogger burnout is rare, as we've seen recently, it can happen to even the most prolific of bloggers. So if you find posting increasingly difficult, seek immediate exptert advice.

Seasonal blogstipation is quite common. Many blogs suffer a temporary slowdown during the holiday season due the a change in diet. Cycling blogs in particular seem to suffer acute cases of blogstipation in the off season.

Around here we've found that Holidays, increased saddle time and event planning have led to some serious blogstipation. The Holidays are over and some of the other contributing factors should soon be alleviated, relieving this uncomfortable condition.

What are your remedies for blogstipation?


Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard? Underachieving is the new black. From the "Underachievers Manifesto"

While some achievement is necessary and good for productivity, a lot of it is dangerous to you and everyone around you.

I'd write more, but...

chatterbox said...

You should go on some crazy, epic ride with friends and take a lot of photos. That will relieve the blogstipation. :) However, this weekend is definitely not the time for that.

Johnny GoFast said...

I just crapped out my first blog in sometime and I do feel better. It did come with a lot of grunting and pushing, but the seal is broken in 2008. I vow to eat more fiber from here on out.

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

wow! and I've just found some new inspiration and uses for my blog.